Jan Van Lindt
Co-founder WOW

Maarten Dever
Co-founder WOW
The roads of Jan & Maarten crossed each other for the first time at the Ancienne Belgique, nominated by many as the best concert hall in the world.
Besides a common interest in the smell of coffee, it became immediately clear that Light, with a capital ‘L’, was their common denominator.
Desks were very quickly joined (including the updating of the flooring…).
Every idea was from then on shared, extensively discussed and developed into the smallest detail.
A world tour and many shows later, the desks are still joined but now in their own WOW location.
And yes, the passion for good coffee is also still present.
The combination of the experience gained in a renowned venue and as part of a touring company, helped them to design productions on a realistic scale that can be adapted to the possibilities of each location.